Open Heavens Daily Devotion By Pastor E A Adeboye


DATE: SUNDAY 5th August 2018

(Tune: There shall be showers of Blessing)

1. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because GOD will do new things
Sinners will soon be forgiven
Prodigals will come home soon.
Shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
Rivers in desert now flowing
Halleluyah to our king.

2. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
Sickness and sorrow will be gone
Bondage will be forgotten.
Shout Halleluyah

3. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
The barren will be fruitful soon
Failure will be forgotten
Shout Halleluyah

4. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
Poverty will be forgotten
Stagnancy will soon be gone.
Shout Halleluyah

5. We will soon shout Hallelujah
Because God will do new things
To all miracles are given
There shall be celebrations
Shout Halleluyah

6. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
Many will have testimonies
Of prayers answered fully
Shout Halleluyah

7. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
One of us will chase a thousand
Two will conquer ten thousand.
Shout Halleluyah

8. We will soon shout Halleluyah
Because God will do new things
Songs of praises we will sing
Halleluyah to our King.
Shout Halleluyah

When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Psalm 126:1-4

*Bible Reading*: Psalm 126:1-4 (KJV)

1 When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.

3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.

4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.

In the course of our reflection yesterday, the Holy Spirit revealed to us some unexpected things that happened when God comes visiting, One outcome of divine visitation is amazing testimonies of the sudden turnaround, which are so mind-boggling that they lead to laughter.
Today’s Bible reading describes this experience. At one of our events, one particular man had a divine visitation and received his own amazing testimony of a sudden turnaround. This young man was born with only one testicle he had. This ended any possibility of this young man ever having a child of his own. However, God had a plan to bring laughter back to his life. It was the very first programme I held as the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God at Rowe Park, Lagos Nigeria. In the course of this programme, the young man felt that something sensational was going on between his legs, and he checked to see what was happening to him. He discovered that he had received two brand new testicles! The day he came to visit me in my office after a miracle, he came with his wife and she was pregnant. In his joy and excitement, he said to me, “Sir, do you want me to show you the testicles?” I responded that there was no need for this because I could see the evidence of the new testicles on his wife. God will visit you, and creative miracles will be your portion today in Jesus Name.
Another of such testimonies is that of a young man brought to my office by one of his friends several years ago. This young man said to me, “Sir, I have a big problem.” We found out that his wife had literarily run mad and was roaming the streets completely naked. It is culturally believed by the Yoruba tribe, which he belonged to, that a mentally unstable person that is still within the house can be cured, but once the spirit of madness takes such a fellow to the marketplace naked, such a person would remain mad for life. As at the time they came to my office, this woman had been bundled off to an herbal treatment home in Kwara State, Nigeria, I was given the address of this place, and I went there to pray for her. Her husband was informed after I left that I had been there to pray, but he was disappointed to hear that the prayer did not last more than five minutes.

“How can a five-minute prayer deal with this serious madness, they wondered out of doubt. So they took the woman to a psychiatric hospital. As God would have it, the specialist there said to them, “Let us observe her before we know what to do.” After two weeks of observation, they sent for her husband and told him, “Sir, if you say something is wrong with this woman, then something must be wrong with you, because even though we have not given her any medication, this woman is as normal as any normal human being can be.” a divine visitation of less than five minutes brought laughter back to the family of this young man. I decree that in the Name that is above every other name, this month shall be your month of laughter.

*Prayer Point*
Father, through Your visitation, reverse the irreversible in my life today in Jesus’ Name.

*BIBLE IN ONE YEAR*: Job 9-12, Matthew 13:45-14:12

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