Pastor Ayotunde Omodeinde

WHEN FAITH FAILS 2: FEAR NOT Genesis 15: 1-8

PASTOR (ACP) AYO  OMODEINDE Commandant Police College of Information Technology, Abeokuta

WHEN FAITH FAILS 2: FEAR   (Genesis 15: 1-8)


In the first part of this study we looked at when Faith Fails, looking at the life of Abram in Gen 12:10-20. Our conclusion was, When confronted with the test of faith, it is only divine intervention that can survice even when our faith fails, and that the failure of faith cannot frustrate Gods plan for our lives, only if we turn unto God when confronted with the trail of Faith. We will be want to look at Fear, doubt,and unbelief, Although these are separate entities, they are often closely associated. Just like faith, hope and love are attributes of God; fear, doubt and unbelief often run in the same circle and are inspired by the devil. We will also be looking at Abram the father of Faith, as we look at how Faith Fails.

FEAR: Every one of us is confronted with one fear or the other, Fear is One of the most repeated phrase in Scripture is, “Do not be afraid.” some variation of it is mentioned over 400 times. This shows fear is of serious concern to God (2 Tim 1:7), that that is why He always encourage us not to be afraid, and to conquer our fears. It was never God’s will for man to be fearful. It wasn’t until the advent of sin that fear became a problem for mankind. In Genesis 3 after Man’s disobedience, a new word came into his vocabulary. When Adam heard the voice of God in the garden and he hid himself, Adam said, “I was afraid so I hid.” (Gen 3:10). Mankind now struggles with fear. We struggle with fear about the past, present, and future, anxiety disorders, phobias, etc. Fear is natural to man; even though, it was never God’s will for us to be afraid.  Christ said it to the women at his resurrection (Matt 28:10). Christ told his disciples, “Do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear” (Matt 6:25). Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.” We only to FEAR God.

YOU MUST FACE YOUR FEAR: Genesis 15:1. The verse begin with AFTER these things (Gen 14: 13-24).   Despite Abram relationship with God, fear still shook his faith, and thought God’s promises will be in vain (Gen 15:3). Fear is not only common to people in general, it is even common to believers. After calling down fire from heaven and having the priests of Baal put to death (1 Kings 18:38-40), Elijah runs out of fear, as Jezebel threatened to kill him (1 Kings 19:1-4). The disciples, after Our Lord Jesus Christ was taken to be crucified, fled in fear (Mk 14:50). This is the very reason that we see so many admonitions in Scripture, that we should not be afraid or anxious,  because we all struggle with fear in one way or another.

I wonder why Elijah ran, why not just wait for Jezebel to kill him, instead of asking God to kill him. God did not bother to answer him, he just fed him, and he slept. Often times when confronted we fears, or anxiety, all we need to do is to relax, eat and sleep. This God’s solution to Elijah’s fears can be helpful for so many of us struggling with fear. Relax, eat and sleep. Then the Holy Spirit will take over and give you direction on what  do.


To fear is ultimately not to trust God, and for that reason, Satan always seeks to draw people into fear, to torment them (1 John 4:18)  We have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear (Rom 8:15).To have faith is to trust and believe God’s promises and receive His blessings and to fear will often draw people away from them. The Israelite feared the giants in the promised land (Numbers 13, 14) and, therefore, received God’s judgment instead of his blessing. Many people miss God’s best because of fear. God expects us to face our fear, that is why He commanded us to FEAR NOT, because He will always be with us (Isaiah 41:10), Jesus reassured us before He left that He will not leave us alone (John 14:26-27).

Finally, To conquer fear, begins with a well developed, healthy fear. That is, the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverb 9:10, Job 28:28, Proverbs 1:7).  Reverential fear is fear we are expected to have towards God. The word reverential means, respectful: having a feeling or attitude of respect towards God. To pay attention and not violate His commands.

If we have any hope of conquering our fear, we have to learn to understand what it means to fear God. Then, we have to establish a strong fear of the Lord within our hearts.The fact that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind must become the bedrock to combat the paralysis that fear intends to release in your life. (2 Timothy 1:7)

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