Open Heavens Daily Devotional By Pastor EA Adeboye

Open Heavens Daily Devotional: Tuesday 18th December 2018

Open Heavens Daily Devotional

Date: Tuesday 18th December 2018



Conquerors and overcomers now are we,

Thro’ the precious blood of Christ we’ve victory

If the Lord be for us we can never fail,

Nothing ‘gainst His mighty power can e’er prevail.


Conquerors are we, thr’o the blood of Jesus

God will give us victory, thro’ the blood of Jesus

Through the Lamb for sinners slain,

Yet who lives and reigns again,

More than conquerors are we,

More than conquerors are we.

  1. In the name of Israel’s God we’ll onward press,

Overcoming sin and all unrighteousness;

Not to us but unto Him the praise shall be,

For salvation and for blood bought victory.

  1. Unto Him that overcometh shall be given,

Here to eat of hidden manna sent from Heaven,

Over yonder He the victors palm shall bear,

And a robe of white and golden crown shall wear.

MEMORISE: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8

Bible Reading:  Ephesians 5:14-17

14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.


For you to be triumphant in warfare, you need to know your adversary well so that you can checkmate his or her every move.

1 Peter 5:8 makes it clear that the devil is our adversary; you would therefore be wise to understand his character and modus operandi in order not to be ensnared by his wily crafts.

The devil is a doomed fellow, and he is a slave beneath every true Christian (Matthew 25:41, Ephesians 1:21-23, Ephesians 2:6). Since the day iniquity was found in him, there has not been any good in him at all (Ezekiel 28:15).

Having known this, it will be dangerous to assume that the devil is a fool. He is no fool, but rather cunning and with a lot of experience. The devil is very studious and diligent.

When he sets a goal, he does everything possible to ensure he meets his target. This is why we have to watch and pray against his moves. We also have to be as gentle as doves, but as wise as serpents.

Furthermore, we have to be guarded with our armor always, because our adversary never rests, always going around looking for whom to devour.

Now, when does the devil strike? He first studies his target by watching for any weakness in that target. When he finds a weakness, he begins to hit at that weakness, so much so that if the fellow does not brace up and strengthen that weak point, it could trigger his or her fall.

This was the case with Moses. When he killed the Egyptian for flogging a Hebrew, the devil noticed that he had a problem with anger.

Having discovered this, the devil constantly influenced the Israelites to provoke him, but Moses held on strong until the day when out of anger he struck the rock he was supposed to speak to.

Beloved, you cannot afford to be lackadaisical at any time, and neither can you indulge a weakness for the slightest moment, because the devil is working overtime to make you fall. Moses was careless just once, and the result was that he couldn’t enter the Promise Land.

Another time the devil strikes is after a victory. David experienced this. After he killed Goliath, the devil raised an enemy against him in King Saul.

Similarly, immediately after Jesus fed, men with five loaves of bread and two fishes, the devil tried to use a storm to swallow His boat. It was also after Jesus had finished an impactful-day fast that the devil came to tempt Him (Luke 4:1-13).

The devil knows that everyone tends to relax and celebrate after a victory, and so he uses the opportunity to strike. Note that the devil attacks by putting something tempting right in front of you so that you will constantly see it.

He adopts this method because he knows that no matter how strong a rock is if the water keeps dropping continually, it will eventually give way.

What is that source of temptation the devil is constantly throwing your way? It’s time to get rid of it. May God help you in this regard in Jesus’ Name.


ACTION POINT:  Never let your guard down against the devil.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Amos 1-3 and John 13:1-30


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